It only seems appropriate to kick off my posts about Seattle with our tour of Century Link Field, being that the Seahawks are about to kick some Patriot butt at the Superbowl tonight!!


You know that saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do?

Well, when in Seattle do as the Seahawk fans do, seems more appropriate…. these fans, they are like none other.

This is located right before the players enter the tunnel.  The faded part on the lower right side is where the players touch for good luck before entering the tunnel.  Worked well this year.

So what better place to go to acclimate to the Seahawk revolution than a tour of Century Link Field.

Our tour was on a Friday, two days prior to the Seahawks vs. Giants game.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, on the tour was from the tri-state area, mostly New Yorkers.  We fit in perfectly with this east coast crowd, minus the New York accent.  I can not and will not say this about all New Yorkers, because I think mostly New Yorkers are really friendly, but these guys and girls were obnoxious.  I guess it could have been worse, the people could have been from New Jersey…Ha ha ha.

Can you tell which kid was most psyched to be here?  Well, maybe you can’t tell from these pictures but I assure you that Korben was pretty stoked about this tour.



This tour was so great for so many reasons.

1. When is it not cool to stand on an NFL football field, especially of a team you have been cheering for for 10 plus years now.






2. The Press room.  Look at these smiles!




3. Box Seats.



4. Broadcasting booth



5. Locker room shenanigans.



4. Blues skies!!



This was a super fun day for our family!




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