I begged and pleaded them not to get wet, only because I knew what the ride home could be like in wet clothes.  I thought that maybe we could just watch the fountain close up but not too close.  I must say this fountain is mesmerizing to watch and I could have sat there for a long while… actually we did sit there for a long while.  Long enough to run like mad to find a restroom for 4 kids all at different times. 

The boys, early on.


The girls early on.



20 minutes later…





The only child completely dry upon leaving was Freya, the four year old.   There something about my kids and water.



Ok I’m over Seahawks losing this Superbowl… well, not really.  But none the less, I have to focus on other things and remember this is just a FOOTBALL GAME!  Speaking of Seattle, here is a post from when we were in Seattle…


We are in Seattle so how could we not take the kids to the Space Needle.  I have to thank our friend pk for mentioning the coupons Bartell Drugs was offering on the Space Needle; for every one adult ticket purchased two children entered free.  We are 2 adults and 4 children…bam…$48 bucks for the 6 of us to visit the Space Needle.  Can’t beat that!



Jeff and I have visited the needle before, about 10 years ago.  Since then the entire viewing area at the top as been updated.  There are a few interactive exhibits and a few cameras with live feeds on TV screens that you can play around with.  While messing around with one screen, I started chatting with a few guys next to me.  We were laughing as we zoomed in on landmarks in the area and also in on people.  As we were laughing, I put myself in the position of the person sitting at the fountain completely unaware that so many eyes were on them.  It felt a little creepy for a brief moment and then it passed and we continued on zooming in on various places and people… these guys had me laughing so hard.

Here is the screen and fountain right below the Space Needle in Seattle Center.



New and improved visitors center.



This was the sky from the top of the Space Needle…


From the time we took the elevator down and walked outside, things had changed a bit… a matter of about 47 seconds. The sky from the ground.



Now with the sun out there was no going inside, so we headed toward the Pacific Science Center to have at it in their outside water area, all part of our museum membership program.  After enjoying the outdoor area, we were sure that we would be headed back here again soon.

The human hamster wheel.





More water and science fun.



We took a ride on the monorail when the sun departed once again.  While we were waiting for the monorail we took a moment to observe this vending machine that sparked our curiosity. We’ve never witnessed a vending machine that sold an oven mitt.  And as odd as it was to see 12th man t-shirts being sold in a vending machine, in this city it made sense to me…. these Seahawk fans are hard core.  There aren’t too many places around here that you don’t see the number 12.






It only seems appropriate to kick off my posts about Seattle with our tour of Century Link Field, being that the Seahawks are about to kick some Patriot butt at the Superbowl tonight!!


You know that saying, when in Rome do as the Romans do?

Well, when in Seattle do as the Seahawk fans do, seems more appropriate…. these fans, they are like none other.

This is located right before the players enter the tunnel.  The faded part on the lower right side is where the players touch for good luck before entering the tunnel.  Worked well this year.

So what better place to go to acclimate to the Seahawk revolution than a tour of Century Link Field.

Our tour was on a Friday, two days prior to the Seahawks vs. Giants game.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, on the tour was from the tri-state area, mostly New Yorkers.  We fit in perfectly with this east coast crowd, minus the New York accent.  I can not and will not say this about all New Yorkers, because I think mostly New Yorkers are really friendly, but these guys and girls were obnoxious.  I guess it could have been worse, the people could have been from New Jersey…Ha ha ha.

Can you tell which kid was most psyched to be here?  Well, maybe you can’t tell from these pictures but I assure you that Korben was pretty stoked about this tour.



This tour was so great for so many reasons.

1. When is it not cool to stand on an NFL football field, especially of a team you have been cheering for for 10 plus years now.






2. The Press room.  Look at these smiles!




3. Box Seats.



4. Broadcasting booth



5. Locker room shenanigans.



4. Blues skies!!



This was a super fun day for our family!



And it feels good to meet again.  I’m feeling a bit nostalgic, seeing the hospital where Korben was born,  seeing the first house we bought, visiting with old friends, and remembering just how lush and green this beautiful state is (the western part anyway).  What I have seemed to have forgotten is how much it truly rains here.  But I know that behind all those clouds are the most majestic mountains I have ever encountered in my 39 years of life.  Oh, how I would love to see them again.

We’ve had an amazing fall with incredible weather, that is until we crossed the Cascade Mountain pass on 90 to enter the Seattle area. And then the rain started and it hasn’t stopped in days!  I will not!… I will not let this rain stop us from getting out to show our children the stunning Emerald City.  Well, maybe not so stunning right now being that you can’t even see the city behind the dense clouds.

We went out anyway.  If there is one thing to remember about this area, it is how quickly the weather can and does change.

First up… Oxbow Farm in Carnation, WA.  In between the rain we did manage to get some pumpkins for carving and painting.  This farm is a sweet little place.  No charge to roam the farm and read their informative signs, which we did even in the rain.





We also met the owners of the Wicked Pies food truck, in the Oxbow parking lot mud lot who were just closing up shop truck.  We had a brief discussion on New York style pizza.  They insisted that is what they made… the real deal… NYC pizza.  I will have to be the judge of that next time they are around town and open.  Too many times now I’ve been told by pizza shop owners, that their pizza was NYC style and so far I’ve been extremely disappointed.

It was a fun day in the country, on the outskirts of Seattle.  I am so excited to get into the city again, back to some of my most favorite spots.

To be continued…

